公益財団法人農学会 The Foundation of agricultural Sciences of Japan

Japan Prize in Agricultural Science,Achievement Award for Young Scientists

Name Affiliation Research results challenge the name
Takayuki Arazoe Tokyo University of Science)Development and application of genome-editing technologies for plantpathogenic fungi
Hikaru Itakura    Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo Ecological studies on growth-phase Anguillid eels: Focusing on the connectivity of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
Takuya Uehara  Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO Research on behavioral manipulation of insect natural enemies through olfactory, gustatory, and visual sensory reception 
Shinichiro OGAWA   Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University  Studies on pig breeding methods aiming to sustainable domestic pork production  
Takahiro Kubo Biodiversity division, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan Research on human behaviour to balance conservation and sustainable use of the natural environment  
JING WU   Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University  Chemical studies on bioactive secondary metabolites from mushrooms  
Tomokazu Tamura   Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University  Study on viral pathogenicity and disease control of positive-stranded RNA viruses  
Takahiro Hiono  Hokkaido University, One Health Research Center  Ecology and host range of avian influenza viruses 
Tomoaki Murakami   Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture Elucidation of multimodal use in insects and its application to pest control
Name Affiliation Research results challenge the name
Wakana Azuma Kobe University, Faculty of Agricultural ScienceEcophysiological Strategies for Sustainable Growth of Large and Long-lived Trees, and Their Conservation Value in Ecological Context 
Tomohiro Okagawa   Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University  Studies on the mechanism of immune exhaustion and development of novel therapeutic strategies for chronic infections in cattle
Yosuke Sasaki  Meiji University, School of Agriculture Epidemiological approaches to control animal infectious diseases 
Yuma Shimamoto   Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Institute of Agriculture  Creation of Environmentally Friendly Materials using Agricultural Byproducts and Development of Nondestructive Testing Methods  
Keisuke Nagai Nagoya University  Molecular Mechanisms of Flood Tolerance by Rice Internode Elongation   
Yoko Masuda   Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo  Identification and application of microorganisms responsible for nitrogen fixation and methane metabolism in paddy soil  
Kazunori Matsuo   Kyushu University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies  Explore natural enemies that contribute successful pest management  
Mai Minamikawa  Institute for Advanced Academic Research, Chiba University  Development of an efficient breeding platform for fruit trees using genome and image information
Shuhei Miyashita   Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University  Studies on plant viruses and host antiviral resistance with a combined approach of molecular biology and mathematical modeling 
Hiromi Mukai   Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Kansai Research Center  Elucidation of multimodal use in insects and its application to pest control
Fumi Murakoshi   Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Tohoku University   Establishment of a method for estimating the location of infection and drug discovery for parasites that cause calf diarrhea  


Name Affiliation Research results challenge the name
Yoshitaka Uchida  Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido UniversityA multidisciplinary approach towards the reduction of N2O emissions from agricultural fields  
Yukari Okano   Fukushima University, Faculty of Food and Agricultural Sciences  Molecular mechanism of suppression of plant antiviral immunity    
Takenobu Ogawa Kyoto University, Graduate School of Agriculture Elucidation of complex mechanisms that control food quality by developing novel measurement and analysis methods
Masafumi Katayama   Biodiversity Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies  Regulation of cellular fate and establishment of novel bioresource for avian species Masafumi Katayama (Biodiversity  
Yutaro Sakai   Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo  Economic Research on Fisheries Policy, Fisheries Management, and Seafood Markets 
Mitsuru Tanaka   Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University  Analytical evaluation of bioavailability of functional food compounds 
Yu Tanaka   Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University  Physiological regulations and the evaluation technologies of the crop photosynthesis
Yasuka Toda Meiji University, School of Agriculture  Relationship between taste receptor functions and diets in vertebrates   
Shouta Nakayama   Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University)  Elucidation of environmental metal pollution in humans and animals in Africa and development of countermeasures  
Masayoshi Hashimoto  Shizuoka University, Faculty of Agriculture)   Identification and molecular dissection of broad-spectrum recessive resistance genes against plant viruses  


Name Affiliation Research results challenge the name
Shunsuke Adachi  Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and TechnologyGenetic determination of natural variant gene for leaf photosynthetic rate in rice 
Harumi Ikei   Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences, Chiba University  Elucidation of the relaxation effects of olfactory, tactile, and visual stimuli of wood on humans    
Eiji Gotoh  Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University Study on the physical meaning for chloroplast movements in adaptative response to low light condition in plants.
Shintaro Kobayashi   Hokkaido University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)  Elucidation of the pathogenesis and development of diagnostic methods of Flavivirus infection  
Ryoji Shinya Meiji University, School of Agriculture  Studies on environmental adaptations and plant parasitism of nematodes   
Hiroki Takagi  Faculty of Bioresources and Environmental Sciences, Ishikawa Prefectural University  Developing Next generation sequencing-based methods for efficient genetic analysis and applying their methods in breeding   
Yasuhiro Tsujimoto   Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, JIRCAS  Development and dissemination of an efficient fertilizer management practice for lowland rice cultivation in sub-Saharan Africa  
Masanori Toyofuku   Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba  Formation and Functions of Bacterial Membrane Vesicles
Masayuki Hayashi  Western Region Agricultural Research Center, NARO  Studies on Interaction and Chemical Communication between Aphids, Ants and NaturalEnemies   
Hironori Bando  Tohoku University, Laboratory of Sustainable Animal Environment  The host-parasite interactions of Toxoplasma gondii in the mammalian hosts   
Akira Mine  Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University  Structure and dynamics of the plant immune signaling network in plant–bacteria interactions  


Name Affiliation Research results challenge the name
Shuta Asai  RIKENStudies on infection mechanisms of oomycete plant pathogens  
Naoki Kabeya   Tokyo University of Marine Science, Department of Marine Biosciences  Biosynthesis of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Marine Animals    
Ryoma Kamikawa  Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University Genome biological studies on marine microbial eukaryotes 
Tatsuhiko Goto Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, GAMRC  Identification of genetic basis underlying egg and growth traits in chickens  
Akifumi Sugiyama RISH, Kyoto University  Dynamics and function of secondary metabolites in rhizosphere   
Wakana Tanaka Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University  Molecular genetic studies on spikelet development and tiller formation in rice  
Shuji Fujisawa Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo  Surface engineering of cellulose nanofibers toward nanocomposite materials  
Fumie Magata   Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo Studies on the endotoxin-induced mechanisms of ovarian dysfunction and development of novel treatment of uterine inflammatory diseases in cows 
 Miyamoto Junki Graduate school of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Interaction between diet and gut microbiota for human health  
Yuki Monden  Okayama University, Faculty of Agriculture  Genetic Breeding Analysis for Polyploid Species and Development of Cultivar Discrimination Technology  
Yoko Yamashita  Kobe University, Department of Agribioscience Studies on the bio-regulatory function of polyphenols from the viewpoints of the multiple-organs crosstalk and circadian rhythm  


Name Affiliation Research results challenge the name
Takeshi  Akagi Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama Univ.Sex Determination Mechanisms in Tree Crops  
Mayu Inokuch Faculty of Life Sciences, Toyo University Morphofunctional studies on branchial ionocytes in fish osmoregulation  
Yukiko Enomoto Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo Syntheses of ester derivatives from natural polysaccharides and their application as bio-based plastic material 
Kenji Kai Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Studies on Chemical Communication among Microbes  
Tsuyoshi Shimmura Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Regulation mechanism of behaviour of chickens: Elucidation and application   
Shigeo Toh Meiji University, Faculty of Agriculturey Studies on Strigolactone receptors for root parasitic weed Striga control.   
Ryo Nakano Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science, NARO  Sexual Communication and Behavioral Regulation in Ultrasonic Moths  
Kei Hiruma Nara Institute of Science and Technology Parasitic and mutualistic life-styles of plant-associated fungi under pressure of plant defense responses
Takaki Yamauchi  JST PRESTO; The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Study of Root Anatomical Traits That Contribute to Environmental Adaptation of Plants in the Family Poaceae  
Ayako Yoshida   Biotechnology Research Center, The University of Tokyo Studies on function and regulation of amino acid biosynthetic enzymes  


Name Affiliation Research results challenge the name
Masaki Endo Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NAROToward next generation of genome editing in plants  
Yohei Katsuyama Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo Screening and functional analysis of enzymes from secondary metabolism  
Takashi Kiuchi Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo Elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying sex determination and larval color pattern formation in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, using sophisticated genetic tools 
Mari Kuroki Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo Early life history traits and the evolutionary dynamics of migration in freshwater eels  
Yohei Koide Research faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University Analyzing and overcoming the reproductive barrier between interspecific crosses of rice  
Atsushi J. Nagano Faculty of Agriculture, Ryukoku University Studies of Plant Environmental Responses by Field Transcriptomics   
Yoshiaki Nakamura Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Biosphere Science  Establishment of a system for cryopreservation of poultry genetic resources using primordial germ cells 
Kyoko Hayashida Research Center for Zoonosis Control, Hokkaido University Development of easy diagnostic tool CZC-dry-LAMP for tropical diseases
Yosuke Matsushita   Institute of Vegetable and Floriculture Science, NARO Characteristics of viroids infecting horticultural plants  
Kyoko Miwa   Hokkaido University, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science Studies on distinct functions of plant borate transporters and development of plants tolerant to boron deficiency and toxicity  
Naoko Yoshinaga   Kyoto University, Faculty of Agriculture Chemical Arms Race between Insects and Plants Contributable to Next-generation Pest Management  


Name Affiliation Research results challenge the name
Ryo Ishikawa Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University Understanding the Genetic Basis of Domestication-related Traits in Rice   
Kazuhiro Ishibashi Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO Study on the Plant Resistance Mechanisms against Viruses  
Michihito Sasaki Hokkaido University, Research Center for Zoonosis Control Studies on the Genetic Diversity and Origin of Viruses in Animals 
Kanako Tago Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO New Insights into the Role of Soil Microorganisms in Pesticide Degradation and Nitrogen Cycling in Agricultural Land  
Michiko Nakai National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Establishment and Application of the Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in Pigs   
Tohru Nakajima Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo Development of the Decision Support System for Sustainable Forest Management Balancing Public Benefit and Economics   
Mizuko Osanai-Futahashi Department of Science, College of Science, Ibaraki University  Studies on Insect Pigment Synthesis Pathways and their Application to Transgenic Markers  
Koutaro Maeno Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Desert Locust 
Kazunori Minamikawa Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO Developing Methodology for Social Implementation of Water Management in Rice Paddies as a Global Warming Mitigation Option 
Masafumi Yagi   Institute of Vegetable and Floriculture Science, NARO  Genomic Analysis Research and its Application for Breeding Carnation Cultivars  


Name Affiliation Research results challenge the name
Goshi Kato Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Studies of Unique Immune Systems of Teleost Fish and Development of Vaccine against Fish Diseases   
Xiaonan Xie Center for Bioscience Research & Education, Utsunomiya University  Structure Determination of Strigolactones - Germination Stimulants for Root Parasitic Plants  
Masaki Shintani  Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Shizuoka University Behaviors of Mobile Genetic Elements in Different Environments 
Takaaki Daimon Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University  Studies on Regulatory Mechanisms of Pupal Metamorphosis in the Silkworm Using Genomics and Genome Editing.  
Takuya Tsubota National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Institute of Agrobiological Sciences Improvement and Application of Gene Engineering Technique in the Silkworm Bombyx mori   
Atsushi Nakao Kyoto Prefectural University, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Radiocesium Fixation on Soil Minerals  
Kazumichi Fujii Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Division of Forest Soils  Acidification Mechanism of Tropical Forest Soils and its Application to Fertility Management  
Wataru Fujii Graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo Development of the Generation Methods of Genome-modified Animals Using Engineered Endonucleases 
Takashi Fujikawa Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science, NARO  Development of Simple and Rapid Detection Methods for Accelerating the Eradication Measures of Citrus Greening Disease  
Kensaku Maejima  Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo  Studies of Plum Pox Virus: Development of Advanced Detection Technology and Molecular Epidemiological Analysis  
Yuichi Yamaura  Department of Forest Vegetation, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute  Studies on Forest Management Maintaining Biodiversity  


Name Affiliation Research results challenge the name
Ichiro Kamei University of Miyazaki, Faculty of Agriculture Bioremediation and Integrated Fungal Fermentation Process by White-rot Fungi   
Shigenobu Kishino Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University Analysis and Application of Novel Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Metabolism in Gut Bacteria  
Tatsuhiko Kondo Nagoya University, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Studies on Bioorganic Chemistry Focusing on Plant Peptide Hormones 
Yasuyuki Goto The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Studies on Tandem Repeat Antigens from Parasites  
Hanako Shimura Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University Roles of RNA Silencing in Symptom Development Induced by Plant Virus Infection  
Takeshi Shimosato Graduate School of Agriculture, Shinshu University Oral Delivery and Immunomodulatory Effects of Oligodeoxynucleotides from Lactic Acid Bacteria  
Tomokazu Seko NARO Western Region Agricultural Research Center Development of Augmentative Biological Control of Aphids Using Flightless Harmonia axyridis  
Hideaki Takano College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University Studies on Environmental Factors Affecting Microbial Functions and their Mode of Action 
Jun Tabata National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences Mating Disruption by Pheromones: Resistance and New Direction 
Tomoko Nozoye Meiji Gakuin University, The Center for Liberal Arts; The University of Tokyo, Department of Global Agricultural Sciences Molecular Mechanism of Mugineic Acid Family Phytosiderophores Secretion